Working together to cultivate a resilient environment for local pollinators.
Join us in a co-creative initiative to spread pollinator gardens throughout Peterborough – bringing health, beauty and the experience of nature to our neighbourhoods and daily lives.
The 2018 Peterborough Pollinators garden map now on-line!
As of October 15, 364 gardens (private and public) had been entered and spatially validated. Spatial validation assured that each garden would show up on a Google map. The full flowers are public gardens (parks, churches, schools); the half flowers are private.
Numbers were substantially boosted by a front yard survey run with the Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods (SUN) project in the Curtis Creek neighborhood.

Not all gardeners named species in their gardens, but of those that did (perhaps 2/3 of the 185 entries worked with), 51 of them had coneflowers (echinacea). A pleasant surprise is that so many gardeners have milkweed (37) or Butterfly Milkweed (20); some gardens have both.
Top Ten Plants in Pollinator Gardens:
Echinacea … 51
Milkweed … 37
Bee balm (monarda) … 31
Black-eyed Susan … 29
Butterfly Milkweed … 20
sedum … 20
Phlox … 17
False Sunflower … 13
Catmint … 12
Joe-Pye Weed … 12
All of the top ten, except the phlox, are perennials.

Date: Saturday June 24, 2023
Time: 2-4pm
Where: Meet at Millenium Park (by the bike
racks @ The Silver Bean Cafe) & pedal
throughout the streets and trails, visiting
gardens along the way. We will wrap up our
tour back at our starting location.
What to bring: your bike, water, phone (to
take observations) & your curiosity.